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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan to serve as Fiscal Agent
The Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan is honored to serve as a fiscal agent and co-sponsor of the Indigi-Aid Virtual Telethon and Benefit Concert. As a diocese committed to becoming a beloved community, racial healing, and social justice with our local indigenous communities is part of our ongoing work. While the Covid-19 virus has, up to this point, remained manageable in our local diocese, we recognize that the pandemic disproportionately impacts indigenous communities throughout the United States. Working with others around the Episcopal Church to put on this event is just one small way we might offer ourselves in service to the greater needs of the world, standing with our indigenous siblings. They are hard at work, caring for their local communities and people. Please join us in supporting Indigenous communities.
There Are So Many Ways You Can Support
Send us a quick 15 second video of you holding the hashtag, introduce your self, your community or location, tribal affiliation if affiliated, and your message of support. If you cannot send a video, just send a selfie with the hashtag “#Indigiaid.” You can also use our hashtag “Indigiaid,” share our media, share our messages, spread the word about our event, donate to our cause, and purchase some Indigi-Aid gear at Custom Link. Thanks for your support!
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Giving ONline
You can give using the link above. During the event we will also have a text to give option. Thank you for your support!
How Donations Are Used
All funds raised will go directly to the affected Indigenous communities for Covid Relief. Covid Relief to support communities with food, water, basic necessities, PPE, cleaning supplies and ect.